Ways to Create Personalized Holiday Card
- Take several photos of your family wearing different outfits and in different poses. This will ensure that you have an array of photos to choose from when you begin your search for your cards. These photos can be taken without going to a professional photographer. Just enlist the help of a family friend who is handy with a camera. Also be sure to have a decent quality camera. No cell phone camera will give you a great quality photo. If you are in need for some inspiration for your photo session, visit Purple Trail.com to see samples of other families photos.
- Decide what theme you and your family would like this year. There are many options such as traditional (Christmas tree styles), elegant styles (have lots of swirls, scrolling, etc), and modern (simpler designs.)
- Go to an online company, such as Purple Trail, that specializes in personalized holiday cards and begin your search for a card design that compliments your favorite photo(s) from those you've just taken.
- Search for cards related to the type of desired card you are seeking to create such as holiday cards, Christmas cards, and New Years cards. This may take a while to complete since everyone will have their own favorites. Keep searching until you find one you can all agree on.
- Select a few possible cards to see how well they fit your picture and theme. Edit the cards until you have created the perfect card for your family this year. This is best done over a few days, just to ensure you order the one you really want. There is nothing like ordering something and then realizing you really wanted a different style.
As always, be sure to keep it fun! Make your cards a great memory for your family.
Disclosure: I am participating in a giveaway for PurpleTrail.com and this post makes me eligible for a PurpleTrail gift code. For contest information, visit http://www.purpletrail.com/blogcontests.