The December M.O.M. Poll Is Live!
Hello everyone! Thanks to everyone who has been participating in this contest - both applicants and voters! Without your participation we couldn't have this great contest. This month's Mommy of the Month entrants are (in order received):
Kristin L.
"I am a busy "momma" to 6 kids. Five of them are girls and I have one boy who's boyness makes up for the lack of other boys. I do have one set of twins in the mix. They came 16 months after my first daughter was born. I had all of my children within 10 years. I am passionate about helping new moms. There are so many helpful things that a new mom can learn from an experienced mom who has been there and done it. I also have a love for photography, baking, cooking, reading and crafting. I don't have lots of time for these things these days but I hope to get back to them when things aren't so busy."
Kelley T.
"I have worked two jobs for over 5 years. I am a 7th grade teacher and a university professor. My husband and I own a business on top of that. I love concerts, traveling, running, skiing, and wining and dining. I have recently switched careers and become a full time mom to my beautiful daughter Stella. Little by little I am inching my way back into my skinny jeans and both of my other, full time jobs. My life is new, crazy, hectic and guess what...I love it!"
Delilah H C.
"I'm a super young mommy and wifey. I married my high school sweetheart and we have two beautiful little girls. Blogging is my hobby and I absolutely love sharing my life with you all!"
I encourage you to visit each of their blogs and get to know them a little better. Leave them a comment to let them know you're visiting from Young Wife and Mom. Then come back here and vote for your favorite or favorites! The poll is on the sidebar and you can vote for more than one entrant. Poll closes November 29th st 11:59pm EST
Interested in joining this contest? Enter for January's spot. Voting will begin on December 7th. Just click the contest section under my header! I will email you to let you know you've been added. Tell your friends to vote!