This Month on YW&M
April and May will be busy months for my family. We are in the process of packing up our apartment for the summer, but we'll still have plenty of goodies on here for you.
Here's what's coming up:
Yoplait Greek Review and Giveaway via MyBlogSpark - TBA
"Heart of Lies
" Book Review via Zondervan - Week of 4/4
"Regret Free Parenting
" Book Review via BookSneeze - Week of 4/11
"A Collection of Wednesdays
" Book Review via Zondervan- Week of 4/25
"Blood Covenant
" Book Review via Zondervan - Week of 5/2
And since we will be settling into our new home in May, I have some giveaways planned for you with 3 prizes already secured. There may be more added to it! My posts will most likely not follow the regular schedule until we are completely settled in. I hope the giveaways will make up for it. =)
(Disclosure: I've included the link to the books I am reviewing just in case you want to read with me. I am paid for purchases made through these links.)