Shutterfly Giveaway is OPEN!
Do you have a party coming up? Need some Thank You cards, birth announcements, or greeting cards for the winter season? Then this giveaway is for you! Young Wife and Mom Will be giving away 3 sets of 10 cards from - up to a $24 value! These can be any of the many types and styles of cards from Shutterfly. You can be as creative as you want. Shutterfly is my favorite photo site and you can read more of my experience with them here. Remember, if this first giveaway goes well there will be a giveaway monthly - sponsored or not!
About this giveaway:
I was provided 4 sets of promotional codes by Shutterfly for writing a post about my experience with the company here. I am keeping one set for myself and giving the remaining 3 sets to my readers via this giveaway.The opinions contained in the post are mine solely and was not subject to editing by Shutterfly in any manner.
There will be 3 winners for this giveaway. Giveaway opens at 12:00 m Sunday, Sept 5th and will end on Saturday, Sept 11th at 11:59pm. All times are Eastern time. Winners are selected using a random number generator widget and will notified via email on Sunday Sept. 13th. Email will have subject line of "YW&M Shutterfly Giveaway" Winners must respond back to email within 48 hrs to receive special code for the 10 cards back by email. Winners first names and comment numbers will also be posted on the blog on Sunday. Winners are responsible for the shipping costs of the cards from Shutterfly to their home and any applicable taxes (typically less than $7.00 total shipped.) Promotional codes expire 12/31/2010.
How to enter:
- Mandatory entry - Leave a comment about your Shutterfly experience or what you're hoping to experience (if you haven't used them yet.)
- Extra entries: Leave a comment for each
Have fun and Good Luck!
This is the widget I will be using to draw for numbers. In the event that two or more numbers belong to the same person, more numbers will be drawn until we have 3 individual winners.